Matt Featured On Relationships In The Atlantic, BBC News, And More

This month, Matt was featured in several publications, including The Atlantic and BBC News, talking specifically about relationships and dating. Most recently, Matt discussed in The Atlantic a question that he noted frequently comes up with patients in their late 20s and early 30s: when and how should you bring a partner home for the holidays to visit family? In “When Does A Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Become Part Of The Family?” Matt spoke about ways partners can deal with feeling excluded from family visits. He also addressed when they can feel over-included, which can take away from time spent with their own family.

After previously delving into the increasing use of dating apps earlier this year in The Atlantic, Matt engaged with the fatigue some people have with dating apps in The BBC News’ “Should I Delete Tinder? These Millennials Think So.” Though there are certainly downsides to dating apps, Matt specifically observed that frustrations with apps can sometimes indicate an ambivalence about dating and relationships more generally.

In addition, Matt also appeared in a Well + Good article on how the four attachment styles–secure, anxious, dismissive-avoidant and fearful avoidant–deal with breakups. Though few people fit one attachment style perfectly, Matt explained that learning about attachment styles can be a helpful way for people to discover concerning patterns in how they do relationships.

Finally, Business Insider spoke to Matt as a relationship expert for Julia Naftulin’s advice column, answering a reader’s question about coming clean to a best friend after having an affair with their partner.